

Types is a keyboard layout with typographic symbols. It makes it easier to write typographically sound text: with proper dashes, diactric marks, and math symbols.

Download for Mac

190 kb
Let me know if you want a version for Windows:
[email protected]

‽ How to install

A single key for a dot, comma, colon, and semi‑colon.

Assigned key
for the letter ß

Two special spaces: non-breaking and narrow. With non-breaking spaces, words are glued together — to avoid unwanted word
wrapping. Narrow is used between C A P I T A L S to make them more readable.

Alt + space → non-breaking space
Shift + space → narrow

Mathematical symbols: × and  ∕ ; ∑, √ and exponentiating¹²³; ∞; fractions ½⅓; % and ‰; ±, ≈ and ≠; minus −.

Tick, cross, and a star.

W A S D and Q E keys for Arrows

Alt + z + 1...6 → tab, caps lock, shift, control, option and command signs.

Shift + alt + 4 → euro sign

Shift + alt + 4 → euro sign.

Alt + f activates greek layout.
The next letter will
be from greek
* * *


Alt + f activates greek layout.
The next letter will
be from greek
* * *


Makar Polovinka 2018...2024