
Barcelona Health Hub at 4YFN

BHH. Barcelona Health Hub is a digital health company that connects 500 medicine startups around the world.

4YFN. It’s one of the largest events in Europe about technology. BHH annually takes center stage there, hosting 50 companies in 2024.

The goal — is to attract tech investors and digital health companies to BHH by creating visuals for the event.

The background incorporates the BHH main color  and 4YFN colors .

Pixelated theme aims to display medicine as something modern and actively developing — the opposite of design you see on pills packaging.

Special font
“PT Sans Narrow 4YFN” was created for this event based on existing “PT” font.

The font contains additional 28 pixelated symbols. They are evoked by putting a letter between square brackets. [a] → .

BHH Stand look
Red spheres on the front resemble a heart.

BHH Stand look
Red spheres on the front resemble a heart.

Halloween banners

Special thanks
To Marja, Marta, Gala, and to all my wonderful colleagues at BHH! It was an amazing year.

Makar Polovinka 2018...2024